My first official blog.

Today marks the first day of my brand new blog-again life. Thank you for visiting and welcome. I hope you enjoy your time here, and find your stay pleasant and informative.

I am a several slash professional, which includes Actor/Writer/Director/Producer/Waiter/Worrier

simpson me

All 6 are equal in importance in my life. This blog will bring one of each of those to light in different ways.


Why Bus Pass Productions? That is the title of my fledgling production company. I have produced several short films and they are sometimes under the banner of Asher Glaser, sometimes Bus Pass Productions. They are synonymous right now, in the future I plan on having my own company. People ask me about the name of Bus Pass. I will keep it an eerie mystery for now and if there are comments left I may disclose some of my trade secrets.

I'm off to tinker with this site. Will post more soon!

Love ya,




Lily Puppy said…
The puppy totally understands. She worries up a storm all the time. Hang in there, I'm sure you'll get discovered for your worrying talent.

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